Norse Deities: Gods and Goddesses of the Vikings { e.preventDefault(); Mntl.utilities.loadExternalJS( externalJS , () => { Mntl.CMP.onSdkLoaded(() => { OneTrust.ToggleInfoDisplay(); }) }); }, { as soon as: true }); }); Mntl.CMP.init(true, ‘ccpa’, false, 3000); })(); (operate(){ const pageTargeting = { customSeries: ” ,tax0: ‘rel’ ,rid: ‘nc40654855b44439985d552f072bb7dc413’ ,customized: ” ,sid: ‘nc40654855b44439985d552f072bb7dc413’ } ; const baseSlotTargeting = { leaid: ‘156569’ ,docId: ‘4590158’ ,viewtype: ” ,kind: ‘checklist’ ,ptax: ‘rel_paganism-wicca-traditions’ ,vid: ‘0’ ,tax1: ‘rel_other-religions’ ,tax2: ‘rel_paganism-wicca’ ,tier: ‘L’ ,leuid: ‘151378030080892’ ,id: ‘4590158’ ,tax3: ‘rel_paganism-wicca-traditions’ ,tax4: ” ,inf: ‘0’ ,entryType: ‘direct’ ,gtemplate: ‘checklist’ ,revenueGroup: ” ,chpg: ‘1’ ,t: ‘115’ ,au: ‘27907’ ,jny: ‘0’ ,sbj: ” ,lf: ” ,assist: ” ,jnyroot: ” } ; pageTargeting.mtax = [‘16450′,’16528’]; pageTargeting.w = Mntl.utilities.getW(); const initialSlots = []; initialSlots.push({ config: { id: ‘oop’, sizes: [[1, 1]], kind: ‘outofpage’, rtb: false, timedRefresh: 0, waitForThirdParty: true }, focusing on: Mntl.fnUtilities.deepExtend({}, { pos: ‘atf’, precedence: 0 ,floor_id: ‘ec18dab10fd04d25b93e908d9a7fe80a’ ,flooring: ’45’ }) }); initialSlots.push({ config: { id: ‘leaderboard-flex-1’, sizes: [[728, 90], [970,90], [970, 250]], kind: ‘leaderboard’, rtb: true, timedRefresh: 0, waitForThirdParty: false }, focusing on: Mntl.fnUtilities.deepExtend({}, { pos: ‘atf’, precedence: 1 ,floor_id: ‘f48a5b547dfa44aa946a685775f31671′ ,flooring: ’25’ }) }); initialSlots.push({ config: { id: ‘square-flex-1’, sizes: [[300, 250],[299, 251],[300, 600],[300, 1050],[160, 600]], kind: ‘billboard’, rtb: true, timedRefresh: 0, waitForThirdParty: false }, focusing on: Mntl.fnUtilities.deepExtend({}, { pos: ‘atf’, precedence: 2 ,floor_id: ’76d987cb92914a40a82fb329f52754bd’ ,flooring: ’25’ }) }); const testIds = Mntl.GPT.getTestIds(); pageTargeting.ab = testIds; pageTargeting.bts = testIds; Mntl.utilities.onLoad(operate() { Mntl.utilities.loadExternalJS({ src: ‘//securepubads.g.doubleclick.internet/tag/js/gpt.js’, async: false }); }); const choices = { area: ‘www.learnreligions.com’, templateName: ‘listsc’, isMobile: false, dfpId: ‘3865’, publisherProvidedId: ‘9d1d3a4e-f9b1-4114-8d22-3bf32dd082df’, singleRequest: false, useLmdFormat: true, useOxygen: true, useInfiniteRightRail: true, useAuctionFloorSearch: false, bundlePrebid: false, lmdSiteCode: ‘hlt’, pageTargeting, baseSlotTargeting, geo: { isInEurope: false, isInUsa: true }, initialSlots, utils: { buildGptUrl: Ref.GPT.buildGptUrl, generateSlotId: Ref.GPT.generateSlotId }, displayOnScroll: false, displayOnConsent: true }; if (Mntl.AdMetrics) { Mntl.AdMetrics.init(“4590158”, “nc40654855b44439985d552f072bb7dc413″, initialSlots.map(slot => slot.config.id), Date.now()); } else { Mntl.AdMetrics = { pushMetrics: () => {} }; } Mntl.GPT.init(choices); }());// moved from gtm.ftl so we will initialize GTM solely onLoad. From https://assist.google.com/tagmanager/reply/6103696?hl=en Mntl.utilities.onLoad(operate() { (operate(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({‘gtm.begin’:new Date().getTime(),occasion:’gtm.js’});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!=’dataLayer’?’&l=’+l:”;j.async=true;defer=true;j.src=’//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=’+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,doc,’script’,’dataLayer’,’GTM-5P3SZGS’); }); var dataLayer = dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ occasion: ‘ab-proctor’, ‘abTests-proctor’: energetic }); dataLayer.push({ envData: { setting: { setting: “k8s-prod”, utility: “reference-religion”, dataCenter: “us-west-1” }, server: { model: “3.135.0”, title: “reference-religion-launcher” }, shopper : { browserUA: navigator.userAgent, serverUA: “Mozilla/5.0 (Home windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0”, deviceType: “laptop”, usStateCode: “AZ” }, mantle: “3.13.795”, commerce: “” } }); (operate(win, fnUtils, CMP) { var pageViewDataAsJSON = S-2561501; var deferLoadTime = 5000; var readyForThirdPartyTrackingEvent = new CustomEvent(‘readyForThirdPartyTracking’, { bubbles: true }); var readyForThirdPartyTracking = fnUtils.as soon as(operate() { dataLayer.push({occasion: ‘readyForThirdPartyTracking’}); window.dispatchEvent(readyForThirdPartyTrackingEvent); }); var readyForDeferredScriptsEvent = new CustomEvent(‘readyForDeferredScripts’, { bubbles: true }); var readyForDeferredScripts = fnUtils.as soon as(operate() { dataLayer.push({occasion: ‘readyForDeferredScripts’}); window.dispatchEvent(readyForDeferredScriptsEvent); }); var hasTargetingConsentHandler = operate() { const hasConsent = CMP.hasTargetingConsent(); if (hasConsent) { readyForThirdPartyTracking(); } // if there’s consent or the person has closed the banner(AlertBox) in EU then set off readyForDeferredScripts if (hasConsent || CMP.isAlertBoxClosed()) { readyForDeferredScripts(); } return hasConsent; }; var onRequiredDomEvent = fnUtils.as soon as(operate() { if (!CMP) { readyForThirdPartyTracking(); readyForDeferredScripts(); return; } if (!CMP.isLoading()) { hasTargetingConsentHandler(); } CMP.onConsentChange(hasTargetingConsentHandler); }); [ [‘adRendered’, onRequiredDomEvent], [‘beforeunload’, onRequiredDomEvent], [‘load’, function() { setTimeout(onRequiredDomEvent, deferLoadTime); }] ].forEach(operate(occasion) { win.addEventListener(occasion[0], occasion[1], { as soon as: true }); }); pageViewDataAsJSON.breakpointName = Ref.utilities.getW(); pageViewDataAsJSON.bounceExchangeId = ‘2473’; pageViewDataAsJSON.descriptiveTaxonomy = ‘16450,32806,16528’; Mntl.utilities.onLoad(operate() { Mntl.PageView.init(pageViewDataAsJSON); }); })(window || {}, Mntl.fnUtilities || {}, Mntl.CMP);]]>


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