You have most likely heard somewhere that modern-day Heathens and fans of the old Norse methods commemorate Halloween as an important vacation however under the standard name of Samhain. This is only partly real.

The end of the harvest system at the end of October and the start of November was certainly an important time for the Norse pagans. This is the time of year when the days begin to get much shorter and cooler. The transition was marked by a celebration referred to as Alfablot, which we went over in our last article. This is not the same as Samhain, which is a traditional Gaelic festival that falls on the exact same day.

Numerous outsiders tend to place all modern Pagans, or Neopagans, in a single group and describe them as marking the Sabbats throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and modifications of season. However this dramatically oversimplifies Neopaganism, which is an umbrella term for many different belief systems, consisting of Norse Heathenry, Celtic Polytheism, and Wicca, which is a modern-day belief system that makes use of aspects of lots of older faiths.

To be clear, Halloween was a crucial celebration in the Viking calendar, known as the Alfablot. But while it happens on the very same date, it is not the same as Samhain.

So, just what is Samhain, and how does it differ from the Alfablot? Let’s take a look.


Gaelic Festival of the Harvest Samhain was a crucial festival day in Ireland, Scotland, and the Island of Guy. It was held annually on 1 November, which indicated the celebration began throughout the evening on

Gaelic Festival of the Harvest

31 October considering that the Celtic day began at sundown. Celebrations were typically held for about a week around the particular festival. While Samhain was finest associated with the Irish world, comparable celebrations were performed around the exact same time of year by other Celtic communities. In Wales, it was referred to as Calan Gaeal, in Cornwall as Kalan Gwav, and in Brittany as Kalan Goanv. As we have actually currently said, in the Viking world, the celebration that happens around the very same time is known as Alfablot, or the

Elf Sacrifice. This celebration extended throughout a number of days from 28 October up until 2 November.< img decoding ="async "loading="lazy"width ="1000"height=" 400 "src=""alt="Gaelic Celebration of the Harvest"class =" wp-image-6300 "srcset =" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px)100vw, 1000px"data-jpibfi-post-excerpt data-jpibfi-post-url =" "data-jpibfi-post-title="Samhain: Pagan vs. Norse Halloween"data-jpibfi-src=""> Ancient Origins While all the written evidence for Samhain originates from the Christian duration, there is great proof that Samhain was an ancient festival amongst the Celts. Numerous Irish Neolithic passage tombs are lined up with the rising sun on Samhain, suggesting that the date was already defined as crucial in prehistoric times.

The Gaulish Coligny Calendar from the first-century BCE calendar calls this time of year Samoni. The very first literary evidence for Samhain originates from the 9 th century when Ireland had actually currently been Christianized. This indicates that the sources describe a mix of old Pagan customs and Christian overlays and affects. We have comparable concerns when understanding the customs around Alfablot, as all the making it through proof originates from Christian authors observing changing practices. There is some evidence to suggest that the old Pagan celebration of Samhain was connected with the god Chrom Cruach, who appears to have been both a solar and a fertility deity. He is a wizened god concealed by mists who accepts”firstborn”sacrifices in exchange for good harvests. Many sacrifices to Chrom Cruach were most likely the first takings of the harvest, however there is some evidence to suggest that he also received human sacrifices, generally of the very first and crucial in the neighborhood rather than the firstborn. It is believed that several Irish bog burials represent the ritual sacrifice of kings or other essential individuals, perhaps interred around the time of Samhain. On the other hand, Freyr was the principal god venerated during Alfablot, as he was considered to have rule over the fairies, the Alfar. He is likewise a fertility divine being.

This is only the first

of a number of considerable similarities between Samhain and Alfablot. Samhain Gatherings By the 9 th century, Samhain was a time of celebration and celebration. Neighborhoods would collect in large groups to eat, consume, and be merry. This meant that Samhain likewise had political importance as it was a time to reaffirm bonds with next-door neighbors and allies, and leaders could confirm and pass guidelines and laws. With the community gathered, mumming or guising, the root of trick-or-treating, was practiced. People would dress up in masked costumes and go from place to

Samhain Gatherings

put dancing and

reciting verses in exchange for food. Traditions around hospitality and inviting guests indicated that rejecting these passersby food could bring bad luck and maybe likewise a technique from the disappointed gamers. This is different from Alfablot, which was a personal family festival led by the women of the family. The Vikings rather had their significant neighborhood event festivals in August. According to the sources, the usual niceties of hospitality were ignored at this time, and passing travelers were turned away. Accepting a stranger into the family at this time might welcome the wrath of Odin. This is most likely the most considerable distinction between Samhain and Alfablot. Day of the Dead Both Samhain and Alfablot were thought about days for honoring the forefathers and

other spirits of the underworld. At Samhain, and also Beltane on May 1, the veil in between the worlds was thought about to be at its thinnest. Ghosts, fairies, and spirits can pass in between worlds and would have greater rule throughout the darker months. In Irish literature, there are many stories of departed ancestors going back to see their houses at Samhain. More hazardous entities can likewise pass in between the worlds, killing livestock and burning down homes if they so pick. We see the exact same themes appear in Norse literature, with spirits from Valhalla and other underworlds returning to see the living. Both Samhain and Alfablot routines were performed at burial mounds, which were thought about portals to the other world. Protective bonfires were constructed, and sacrifices were made to calm the spirits. In the Gaelic custom, when individuals returned home, they would take a spark from the ritual bonfire to light their own hearth and lay out an extra plate for the honored ancestors.< img decoding="async" loading=" lazy"width= "1000"height ="400"src= ""alt="Day of the Dead"class="wp-image-6303"srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px)100vw, 1000px"data-jpibfi-post-excerpt data-jpibfi-post-url=""data-jpibfi-post-title="Samhain: Pagan vs. Norse Halloween"data-jpibfi-src="" > Divination The thin veil between the world indicated that Samhain was also the best time for divination practices. Most of the enduring Celtic divination practices have actually ended up being party tricks thanks to their adoption in modern-day Halloween events. Games such as bobbing for apples might reveal whether an individual would marry or have kids in the coming months. People would also

peel an apple in

a single long strand while asking a question. They would then throw the peel over a shoulder, and the shape of the peel might offer a response. 2 hazelnuts were called for an individual and their heart’s desire and then put on the fire to roast. This was not a great sign for the match if the hazelnuts leapt away from the fire. But if the 2 roasted silently side by side, this was a promise. It

is unclear whether prophecy was likewise a part of the Alfablot, however it would make good sense that individuals might ask the discovered ancestors for guidance. Volva, Viking witches, were considered seeresses and continued to be powerful after

death. Odin called a Volva back from the dead to recount to him the full history of production and the Ragnarok prophecy. Prophecy in the house at this time might have included prophecy with rune stones. You can read our short article on rune prophecy here. Samhain and Wicca While contemporary Heathens and followers of the old Norse ways will follow the Alfablot customs, numerous modern pagans and professionals of witchcraft identify with Samhain. There is some evidence that Samhain has actually constantly been connected with witches. Among the primary websites in Ireland where Samhain bonfires were developed and rituals performed is called the Hill of Ward, which is the burial mound for Tlachtga. Tlachtga was the child of the Arch Druid Mug Ruith, and she took a trip with her father, discovering his secrets and becoming an accomplished witch. Her burial

mound appears to

have been thought about a particularly powerful portal to the underworld. But which custom will you be following on 31 October? Will you be honoring the Norse Elves (typically conflated with honored forefathers)

or making sacrifices to Chrom Cruach? Or are you everything about making your favorite outfit and trick-or-treating? The Triquetra is an important sign associated with magic and witchcraft in both the Viking and Celtic worlds. Store Triskelion pieces in the VKNG shop.

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