Baduhenna Goddess war and storms Baldur (Baldr, Balder) identified with the Old English bealdor = ‘lord’ or ‘prince’ God Æsir beauty, love, purity, peace, righteousness Beyla a younger form of Old Norse Baunila = ‘little bean’ Goddess earth Bil Goddess Ásynjur waining moon Borr (Bor, Bör, Bur, Burr) God Other Bragi (Brage) connected with Old Norse Bragr = ‘poetry’ God Æsir knowledge, poetry, eloquence, and the patron of skalds Buri (Búri, Bori, Bure) God Other gods Byggvir Old Norse = ‘barley’ God Dellingr (Delling) Old Norse = ‘luminous’ or ‘shining one’ God Æsir personification of dawn Eir (Eil, Eira, Eyr, Eyra) Old Norse = ‘protection’ or ‘help’ Goddess Ásynjur healing Eostre (Eastre, Ostara) Goddess spring, rebirth, and protectress of fertility Forseti (Forsete) Old Norse = ‘presiding one’ God Æsir justice Freyja (Freya, Freja, Frey’a, Gefion, Horn, Mardal, Mardoll, Menglad, Menglod, Moertholl, Sessrymner, Syr, Vanadis) Goddess Vanir fertility, love, beauty, magic, war, and death Freyr (Frey, Fraig, Fro, Fricco, Ingun, Ingunnar-Frey, Ingvi-Frey, Sviagod, Yngri, Yngvi) God Vanir agriculture, prosperity, life and fertility Frigg (Frigga, Frig, Fri, Frija, Frygga, Frea, Fria, Frige, and Holda) Old Norse = ‘to love’ Goddess Ásynjur love, marriage, fertility, family, civilization, and a prophetess Fulla (Abundantia, Abundia, Habone, Vol, Vola, Volla) Goddess Ásynjur Gefjon (Gefjun, Gefion) Old Norse = ‘the giving one’ Goddess knowledge Gersemi (Gersimi, Gerseme) Old Norse = ‘gem’ Goddess Ásynjur love Gerda (Gerd, Gerdhr, Gerðr) Goddess Vanir Gna (Gná, Gnaa) Goddess Ásynjur Gullveig (Gollveig, Gulveig, Golveig-Heid, Gulveig-Hoder, Angerboda, Angerbohda, Aurboda, East Wind Hag, Heid, Heidr, Ljod, Midgard, Orboda, The Volva) Goddess Vanir Hoenir (Hoeni, Hœnir, Hone, Honer, Henir) God Æsir Hariasa Goddess war Heimdall (Heimdal, Heimdallr, Heimdalr, Heimdali) God Æsir guardian Hel (Hela) Goddess the dead Hermod (Hermóðr, Heremod) God Æsir messenger Hlin (Hlín, Hlina) Goddess Ásynjur consolation and protection Hodr (Höðr, Hod, Hothenus, Hodar, Hoder, Hodhr, Hodir, Hodur) God Æsir Idun (Iðunn, Iduna, Idunn, Idunna, Ithun, Ydun) Goddess Ásynjur spring and rejuvenation Irpa Goddess Ásynjur earth Lofn (Lofna, Lofua, Lofe) Goddess Ásynjur marriage Lodurr (Lóðurr, Lodur, Lóður, Lódurr, Lódur, Lóthurr, Lóthur, Lódhurr, Lódhur, Lothurr, Lothur, Lodhurr, Loðurr, Loður, Lodhur) God Æsir Loki (Loptr) God Æsir mischief Mani (Máni, Mane) God Æsir the moon Mimir (Mim, Mímir) God Æsir wisdom Meili God Æsir Nanna Goddess Ásynjur joy and peace Nerthus (Nertous) Goddess Vanir earth Njord (Njörðr, Njörd, Niördr Niord, Njorth, Nordur) God Vanir sea and wind Njorun (Njörun) Goddess Ásynjur earth Odin (Alfdaur, Alfadir, Bileygr, Glapsuidir, Othinn, Wodan, Wotan, Othin, Othinn, Othinus, Ouvin, Votan, Wode, Wodemus, Wodhen, Woden, Wodin, Wotam, Woutan, Wuotan) God Æsir wisdom, war, magic, poetry, prophecy, victory and death Odr (Óðr, Od) Goddess Vanir Ran Old Norse Rán = ‘theft’ Goddess Ásynjur the sea and death Saga Old Norse Sága = ‘seeing one’ Goddess Ásynjur wisdom and treasure Sandraudiga Goddess Sif Old Norse = ‘wife’ Goddess Ásynjur harvest and land Sigyn (Siguna) Goddess Ásynjur earth Sinthgunt Goddess Sjofn (Sjöfn, Sjofn) Goddess Ásynjur relationships, love, and marriage Skadi Old Norse Skaði = ‘death’ Goddess Vanir hunting and winter Snotra Old Norse = ‘clever’ Goddess Ásynjur wisdom Sol (Sól, Sunna) Goddess personification of the sun Syn Old Norse = ‘refusal’ Goddess Ásynjur defense and truth Thor (þórr, þunor, Thunaer, Donar, Thur, Tor, Tror) God Æsir strength, protection, war, storms, thunder and lightning Thrud (þrúðr, Thrúd, þrúðr) Goddess Thorgeror Holgabruor (þorgerðr Hölgabrüðr) Goddess Other Tyr (Týr, Tiw, Tig, Ziu, Teu, Thingsus, Tiwaz, Ty, Tyw, Zio, Ziv, Ziw) God Æsir war, justice in battle, victory and heroic glory Ullr (Auler, Holler, Oller, Ollerus, Uller, Ullerus, Ullr, Wuldor) Goddess Æsir justice and winter Vali Old Norse Váli = ‘the slain’ Goddess Æsir vengeance Var (Vár, Vara, Vór) Goddess Ásynjur Ve (Vé) God Æsir earth Vili God Æsir earth Vor Old Norse Vör = ‘the careful one’ Goddess Ásynjur wisdom Zisa (Cisa) Goddess harvest


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