< span style= "font-family: arial; margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" >< img border= "0" data-original-height= "451" data-original-width=" 800" height=" 226 "src=" https://everythingviking.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/norse-mythology-did-vikings-have-tattoos-real-norse-body-art-is-filled-with-mystery.webp"
width=” 400″ > The Vikings were seafaring people originally from Scandinavia who raised hell across Europe and beyond from the late eighth to the late 11th centuries.Image credit: DanieleGay/Shutterstock. com Viking-inspired tattoos with Norse images and runes have become rather in style in the period of Pinterest-inspired body art, however did the Vikings actually have tattoos? There’s no strong historical evidence that

tattoos prevailed in the Viking age considering that it’s
unusual for skin to remain undamaged for centuries. Nonetheless, we understand from written sources that some Norsemen may have been fans of body art. What did Viking tattoos look like?One of the best accounts of inked-up Norsemen originates from Ahmad ibn Fadlan, a 10th-century Muslim tourist who was sent out from Baghdad to make contact with the king of the Volga Bulgars, an area of modern-day western Russia and Ukraine

. Around this time, the location was house to a group of individuals known as the

Volga Vikings, conquerors and traders who had settled in the area from Scandinavia. In his description among of these tribes, known as the Rus, Fadlan composed:” Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife and keeps each by him at all times. The swords are grooved and broad, of Frankish sort. Every
male is tattooed from fingernails to neck with

dark green( or blue-black or green) trees, figures, etc” Read the rest of this article …

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