Recently, I added a new product to my pendant collection: a key pendant! I made a video of me forging one, which you can find on my YouTube channel. In the video, I’m forging a key for a pull lock, and I also demonstrate how a pull lock works. These types of keys and locks were used during the Iron Age.

The key has always been a symbol of power and authority, so it was often worn as a piece of jewelry. Keys were also often decorated for this reason. There are also many mysteries and magical beliefs surrounding keys and locks. For example, dragons were sometimes carved around the keyhole to scare away demons, and keys could be decorated with dragons for the same purpose. Additionally, it was believed that blowing through keys or biting on iron could cause a toothache. It was also thought that keys should never be placed on a table, as this could lead to discord in the house. During childbirth, it was believed that keeping and sharpening iron and a key close to the woman would protect her from trolls. Finally, I have read that keys could cure illnesses if handled correctly.

For more information on these stories and recipes, check out this website: To see how I forge and explain how this is made, watch my video on YouTube!

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